Explain the why

By Dana P Skopal, PhD

Writing in the workplace is often about complex topics. In our editing work we come across many lengthy documents where the content is extremely descriptive. However, the key is to convince the reader with clear evidence and analysis – not lengthy descriptions – and to ensure the reader can understand ‘why this information is important’. They also need to easily find the next step, ie what they need to do with this information.

Complex descriptions can lead to information overload, which means you will probably lose your reader. As a writer, you need to focus on why your message/ analysis is important for the organisation/audience and the key items your reader needs to know.

Explaining the ‘why’ may entail you standing back from your descriptive information.  Your descriptive content is usually your process of working through complex information to find a possible solution, which is your analysis of the situation. Aim to summarise your message verbally in one minute or draw a mind-map, and then make dot points explaining ‘why’ your analysis is important for the proposed solution or recommendation. This step can help you make your analysis clear.

Another checklist that writers use is to list the five Ws and one H on one page. Check that you have clearly explained the key details and analysis by covering:

  • who is involved (and will benefit)
  • what can happen (and any consequences)
  • when this process can happen
  • where people will be working
  • why this evidence /solution is important
  • how things will link together.

When you have too much descriptive information, it is like the saying: you can’t see the wood for the trees. You cannot understand a situation clearly because you are too involved in the details, or you do not notice what is important about the content as a whole. Step back and explain the ‘why’.

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